Our Legacy… continues…

Our Legacy... continues...

Jonathan Freudman

Jonathan Freudman

1st Year Graduate

“My experience as 1st year Meisner student was to say the least, enlightening. I never thought that acting could be so straight forward. I’ve taken many acting classes through out my 6 year career but never one so complete and demanding both as an artist and as a human being as this one. It teaches you how to be truthful which at the end it is what is all about. It will really test your need to be an actor and will help you focus on what you really need and help you also to find the way to get things done in order to achieve it.

To a non-actor I will say, that to those of you who really have an artist in them it will help them to get it out there and develop it, but to those who don’t have an artist in them it will show them what it takes to be an Actor and show how much work they have to put in order to be successful, besides that the sporadic talks about the Industry itself will guide them into a good way to start pursuing this profession. This is not a Mickey Mouse class, this is serious acting, this is MEISNER.”

Paula Miranda

Paula Miranda

1st Year Graduate

“The Meisner Technique has always been what resonated with me most as an actress. Afraid to commit to the two year program, I danced around Los Angeles from one class to another, learning diluted versions of Meisner. As a working actress for a decade, I found that I was confident with my auditions, yet I wasn’t booking the gigs I knew I could book. There was something missing. After a brief hiatus to have babies, I found myself needing to connect deeper as an artist. I looked into Meisner once again and decided I had to make it work this time. The first year has flown by because of how much excruciating fun I have experienced! I have been challenged. I have learned how to memorize in a new way. The road has not  always been easy, but I never stopped having fun and feeling motivated to do more or be better! I cannot wait for the second year and to be part of the legendary alumni that is Meisner.”

Jihad Reeves

Jihad Reeves

1st Year Graduate

“My life with Meisner. Upon finishing my first year of training at the Sanford Meisner Center. I feel nothing but confident and strong outside of my artistic work as well as my recent growth in the program. I find my work to be far more truthful and impactful while steadily reaching to hit new marks within my own creative bracket. To an actor who’s never experienced a class like this I’d say it’s definitely a self insuring journey that pushes you to become who your true self. It’ll be an emotional rollercoaster but it’s worth every bump on the ride.”


Daralyn Kelleher

Daralyn Kelleher

1st Year Graduate

“Over the course of studying the one year program at the Meisner Center, my life has been dramatically changed. Prior to this work, I felt uncomfortable expressing certain emotions. My most challenging was anger. I felt so insecure to let that part of me show. After a lot of practice, I learned how to simply let it out. In fact, I even booked a commercial due to my ability to go into a rage in an audition (I knew I did a good job when the casting directors looked scared). As well, Meisner has helped me learn to connect with others on a deeper level. The, for lack of a better word, no “bs” mentality that we practice, has taught me a lot about people, and also a lot about myself. That’s the coolest part about this program, you’re simultaneously learning to be a more professionally advanced actor, while also learning to be a more emotionally advanced person.”

Marisol Ferra

Marisol Ferra

1st Year Graduate

“Meisner trains you in speaking your truth and it is a powerful tool to have as an actor. The class is challenging, enlightening and full of self discovery. Meisner has pushed me to be a confident, brave and vulnerable actor. I am eternally grateful to have discovered this encouraging family and technique.”

Juan Magana

Juan Magana

1st Year Graduate

“My experience at The Sanford Meisner Center has changed how I go about everything from both my non-artistic and artistic life. I can now confidently say that I have a technique to go about my acting and if a challenge comes along I know I have the tools to overcome and create my own work. I have the confidence to go to any challenge and know that I will always be truthful and unique to my own individuality as a person. I have also grown as a person, having a different perception and outlook for people and situations, to look for the different colors in life and be more honest with myself and those around me. As well as the range of my own limits and how those grow everyday as long as I need them to. The change of mindset from someone who sees this as only a dream versus someone who truly needs to become the best actor they can become. I have been pushed to the brinks, got my ego put to the side, and torn up emotionally in order to give my truth in that moment, no other class has the honor and perseverance needed to get the actor to become vulnerable, to give everything you have emotionally. As an actor I’m asked “how do you do it” now I can give an answer, I live truthfully under the given imaginary circumstance. I have gained another family who have seen more of me then most people in my life. The Sanford Meisner Center has taught me and given me more then I can thank them for and because of that I am proud to say I am part of this incredible fraternity.”

 Jose Orellana

Jose Orellano

1st Year Graduate

“What can I say my first year was simply amazing. I had my ass handed to me and loved every second of it. I can honestly say I was excited before every class and always left eager to learn so much more. The work has humbled me as a human being and transformed me into a confident actor at the same time. This work is not for the weak or faint hearted. The journey has been challenging but the abundance of knowledge was worth it. Ranjiv is an excellent teacher, he’s committed to you if you’re committed to the work. I’m halfway up the mountain and enjoying the view. “

Jule Johnson

Jule Johnson

2nd Year Graduate

“This course changed my life in the most amazing way possible. I can confidently say that when you discover your heart throughout this course, you will realize that it is truly one of the most rewarding and freeing experiences a human being can go through. It does not come quickly nor easily, but in this class and under Ranjiv’s excellent teaching you will learn how to utilize your feelings and trust your instincts, as well as discover the self-confidence necessary to live freely and truthfully within a scene. Upon graduating this program, I realized the most powerful feeling of all… Love. And to leave a family you experienced that with is absolutely heartbreaking. But I walk away proud, thankful, and immensely confident with the person I’ve become, the people I grew with, and the teacher that gave us his heart and guidance. I continue forward with self-assurance as a human being and ultimately as an actor, knowing that we have exercised and explored our craft to a level that goes beyond having a successful career. It is life itself. Thank you Ranjiv, Martin, and Sandy!”

Polina Fadeeva

Polina Fadeeva

1st Year Graduate

“First year of studying at The Sanford Meisner Center changed me very much. The technique developed in me such skills as recognizing not only my partner’s emotions, but also my own (which is sometimes hidden very deep down, so that I didn’t even know it’s there). I learned how to trust my instincts, believe in imaginary circumstances, embrace the truth as it is. And deal with it. Each class was challenging me, every scene is always unpredictable.

The main difference between the Meisner technique and others is that it’s based on leaving your brain behind and start to feel, open up your heart and let it lead you. You rely on emotions that you get not being afraid of expressing it and be vulnerable.
I’m very grateful to the best teacher I happened to work with for the unforgettable experience and knowledge.”

Michael Elric

Michael Elric

1st Year Graduate

“I learned I need to work at this level always. I am an actor and I feel I have earned that title. I owe it all to Ranjiv and how he taught me this powerful technique. I had taken other acting classes before, always mixed in with others at different levels. I felt lost. I needed to be taught from the ground up. Then I found Meisner.

Get out of your head. Get clarity. Learn to create your own moments. Play. Have fun. Live in the moment. Feel. Trust yourself. Do the work! Everything I was taught…everything I have learned has made me a better person, and actor.

Family. I will always cherish the time I spent with my classmates. Meisner is the best family to be a part of.”

Simon Morton

Simon Morton

1st Year Graduate

“When I first started with the five weeks Level 1 Intensive I thought I would be a well trained actor afterwards. And that acting, as a “God-given” talent, wouldn’t need much of a training anyway. Just pretend something. But Ranjiv Perera obviously used the Meisner Technique against me (or my ego), so I began to understand what Sanford Meisner said about acting as “ability”. So the good news is, you can learn and practice it to eventually get better. The bad news is, you will have to practice quite a bit and the challenges you and your fellow classmates will go through will make you want to run away (no refund, so I stayed ;-).

But when I first used the Meisner Technique outside class on set, it was really rewarding to see how I could affect other people. I realized it’s not about becoming someone else, but being bravely yourself. Today, I am proud I survived the first year, because giving up would have been easy. But if you don’t, if you stay persistent, The Meisner Technique and Ranjiv Perera’s ability to notice everything, will help you become a better actor, maybe even a better person. At least after an additional 20 years of training. In the meantime, you might have fun during (or in between classes) and find wonderful new friendships.”

Tatiana Romao

Tatiana Romao

2nd Year Graduate

“I don’t think I’m ever gonna forget my first interview with Ranjiv. I had been studying acting since I was a kid in Brazil and I already knew how things worked in the industry here in LA so I came in expecting the often and regular 15 minute interview like you would have anywhere else here, ask a few questions, be assertive with what you want and be out of the door in no time. Great! I remember even sitting on the edge of the chair with so many other things planned for my day after that and there, exactly at that moment, I was caught completely off guard and was shocked.

I was shown that I wasn’t dealing with any of the other thousands of random schools in LA, I wasn’t dealing with just another “teacher/ director”, I was ACTUALLY dealing with someone that knew what he was talking about, what he was doing there, what he needed to hear and understand from me. He was listening attentively to what I was saying and could easily read me and what I thought was going to be a quick interview became a conversation about my life, my goals, my past, who I was and what I expected from the program and from acting. He got my respect right there and then; even though at that point I had no intention of doing the full program, only the 4 weeks intensive as I had promised myself I wouldn’t do another full program as I had already done others and honestly no school/ teacher had prove itself worth of such a long time dedication again…or so I thought, until I started at the Sanford Meisner Center.

Today, after a very long and emotional 2 year journey I can not be more thankful professionally and personally to have taken the full program. It changed me as an actress, It changed me as a person and it changed my approach to life and the industry. I say with tears in my eyes how much I will miss every step of this experience and the family I found there. I would do it all over again in a blink of an eye.”

Karydan Elkins

Karydan Elkins

1st Year Graduate

“My experience going through the first year of learning the Meisner Technique under the direction of Ranjiv Perera has been amazing. I’ve not only learned more about the craft of acting but about myself as well. Meisner has taught me the beauty and the importance of being completely vulnerable and present with another person when acting and how to focus on your scene partner(s) and really listen to them so you can truly work off them and their behavior. Also, not to be afraid, but in love rather, with the depth of REAL human emotion and being connected with someone.

I believe the most important thing I personally have taken away from Meisner, so far, has been to be cognizant of your ego, do your best to remove it and always work from your HEART, not your head. Such a great technique taught by a great teacher!”



Kathy Wu

Kathy Wu

2nd Year Graduate

“The last two years spent at the Sanford Meisner Center has been a soul provoking experience. It’s without a doubt that when you do the work and follow the steps, you will acquire the tools necessary to become a working actor/actress. So why was it a soul provoking experience?

Going into this program, I thought I knew myself pretty well; my strengths and weaknesses. Unknowingly, as I went on this 2 year journey, I got to learn more about myself each day, the parts of me that I either didn’t fully embrace, or parts that I didn’t know exist before. I am a perfectionist I could not and would not possibly be flawed, right? Struggles and doubts were part of the growth, and at this point, I have come to acceptance of my true self, who I am and how I feel.

This program is analogous to a beautiful, adventurous, also treacherous self-discovery journey; it is a journey into your heart and soul, to find yourself as a person and an artist. If our feelings and range of emotions are the gold mines, then this class, and discoveries you make are your tools necessary to get to your treasure.”

Matthew Penna

Matt Penna

2nd Year Graduate

“Committing fully to the two-year program here at the Sanford Meisner Center was the greatest decision I’ve made in my acting career. I went from thinking I could do a couple of commercials as extra income to having the confidence of making acting my full-time gig and going for the A-list level. I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Ranjiv, Martin and Sandy and all of my fellow students who have become my family.”


Anthony Augusto

1st Year Graduate

“Have you ever thought about the fact that all boundaries are conventions ?

At first I thought I was a good artist… After the 1st year I knew I was just a growing actor. I have been shown uncharted territories that were asleep somewhere in me…and in which I have explored amazing areas that gave me a strong insight of what being a true actor is. Acting is not playing, it is living. Not with yourself, but with others. My initial idea was that I was the main actor of my feelings, I was the one driving them and bringing them to people. I was wrong. Unfortunately, it was quite the contrary. People affect you, only if you care about them. The Meisner Center taught me with coherence how to use the right tools at the right time when it comes to acting with truth. If you want something, give something ! The technique made me a stronger actor, but also a much more powerful person because now, I know how to care about people and let them affect me. Real emotions come out when you get naked, cover in blood and screaming what you have down your guts.
It is not about how hard you try, but how hard you are willing to try. Are you ready to die trying to win the world, or to loose it ? It’s all about your choice to give everything you have; otherwise you’re not ready to give anything. This first year was more than a challenge, it was a tremendous experience that changed me forever. Ranjiv is a fabulous teacher, a surprising wizard and a beautiful reader that will bring out of you unsuspected feelings. They will be the assets to build up the foundation of your acting career in a highly competitive and dynamic industry. That’s the reason why I chose the Meisner Center : being trained in a real environment, and be ready to deal with it once I’ll be out to manage my career.
It’s not about money, it’s about passion. It’s not about being right, it’s about being truthful. It’s not about the head, it’s about the heart.”

Diana Caban Velez


2nd Year Graduate

“Well to start I must say that I am very grateful for the opportunity and the experience that I have received at this school. Because it completed and answered many of the questions that I had before about certain aspects of acting. Like how to do a play on months end and keep maintaining that emotional connection fresh  and accurate.

For me this class was different from others because it involves the act of doing not just sitting in class and hearing how great the golden era of theater or cinema was.  It involves opening up and discovering every corner of yourself without harming your state of mind. The class has given me the tools and confidence to get going in an industry that I didn’t really know from the inside coming from another country and all. To a non actor I would describe the Meisner technique as an experience that opens and unravels your creativity and mind in a way that might make it impossible to go back to who you were before; almost like doing acid. Just kidding you can edit that Ranjiv.”

Yisreal Dubov

2nd Year Graduate

“Know thyself’ as the aphorism goes. I cannot imagine a greater opportunity to bring this into reality than the two years I spent at The Meisner Center. Two years that are focused completely on the discovery of oneself, which I do believe is at the heart of every great actor, but is also the heart of a meaningful and happy life. Discovering what makes us happy, and what makes us sad; what pisses us off, and what comforts us. Ranjiv and The Meisner Center have given me all of the tools necessary to be the actor and person I wish to become.

This is a place where I knew I can grow as and actor and as a human, with a group of people who want to see me succeed and who I want to see succeed. A group of real individuals who truly care about each other – both teacher and student, and will be the support – emotionally and mentally for any of us who need it.

And now, as this journey comes to an emotional end, I know that I can take on the theatrical world by storm and with full confidence in the work that I do, knowing that I have the knowledge and support needed. Because not only did I walk away with an incredible training in acting; I walked away with a family, and memories that will last a lifetime.”

Jasmine Hill

2nd Year Graduate

2nd Year Graduate

“Words can’t describe how I feel about Meisner training or how I feel about myself as an actor now. Before, I didn’t like to say I was an actor because I didn’t feel like one. Now I know I’m one.
I was amazed and grateful after what I achieved in first year. I saw myself transform from a shy girl to an actor. I never thought I could do that kind of work-intense emotional work with depth.
Once I got to second year, I learned how to make every moment count. Which further added to my depth. Most importantly, when I audition, I see how impressed casting directors look. Before, they were laughing. I will forever be grateful!”


 Corin Stuart

Corin Stuart

1st Year Graduate

“After two years training at one of the top drama colleges in London, UK; and 5 years working in the profession, Ranjiv’s class totally transformed my work, turning my process on its head. I’ve sat in Ranjiv’s classes asking myself why my previous training didn’t teach me these basic skills and techniques in acting. I’m sure my tutors in London were trying, but none had the technical exercises and clear progression Meisner’s system offers that makes the simple skill of listening and responding to the other actors, while living truthfully in the imaginary circumstances second nature.

Ranjiv has, like Meisner had himself, an incredible ability to unpick and describe what he saw in the work my classmates and I did, moment to moment; shining the light of truth on it in a way that seems somehow obvious; though one couldn’t have said it as simply and clearly oneself. My trust in Ranjiv as a teacher couldn’t be more complete and a certain knowledge of the work’s utility couldn’t be more apparent in my continued work in theatre and film alike.”

Robert Herrick

Robert Herrick

1st Year Graduate

The first year program at the Sanford Meisner Center is both thorough and insightful. It is, by all accounts, the authentic and by the book Sanford Meisner technique taught by an instructor who really cares about teaching the work correctly. Ranjiv Perera is not only knowledgeable about the industry but excellent at pushing each student to his or her full potential. The first year in particular is an embracement of the fundamentals of acting; supplemented by constant repetition and practice until it becomes so subconscious that good work becomes not only natural but effortless for all who graduate. I highly recommend both this technique and this class to people who are not only looking to learn many new things but also to those looking to cement the fundamentals of acting into their minds for many years to come.

Dre Matthews


2nd Year Graduate

“I have made progress. I have made memories. I have even made mistakes. Most of all, I have made family. It has been an incredible journey that I was able to share with some amazing people. We were challenged to push ourselves – to growth – as artists and as individuals. And most importantly, we were given the tools and the means to do so! I look forward to further growth, both in my career and life itself, and to witness that of my fellow graduates. Thank you, Ranjiv! I am proud to be part of the Meisner family!”

Kayla Engeman

Kalya Engeman

Level 1 Intensive

“I would recommend anything from the Level 1 intensive to the full 2 Year Program to any actor who wants to pressure test their commitment to an acting career. Living in New Jersey, I came to LA looking to immerse myself in the industry, work on my craft with fellow actors who were also intensely dedicated to their work, and study under an instructor that pushed me to and past my limits. My time with The Sanford Meisner Center changed my life. This program met my expectations, and then went beyond anything I could have imagined, and it wouldn’t have happened with the technique alone. Ranjiv is the most influential instructor I’ve ever had because of how he fully invests himself in his students. This technique will change you, but it’s Ranjiv that will push you, test you, and catch you when you fall.”


Sofia Monroe

1st Year Graduate

1st Year Graduate

“The first year Meisner Program has been inexplicably wonderful and challenging. It’s hard to express to an non-actor what the experience is like, but I can tell you some of what I’ve learned: I learned to stop overthinking, I learned to lower my defenses, shed my ego, and to truly listen more than I ever had to before. I applied each step of the learned technique to the point where the idea of ‘performing well’ stopped coming to mind. No more performance anxiety, no more over-thinking, it was all about living the circumstance you were given truthfully and with all that you had, moment to moment. You might think you know what I’m talking about, but I promise, you can’t 100% know unless you’ve lived through and experienced this class :)! You must experience it. For life both in front of the camera and behind it,  this class and those involved are responsible for some of the most powerful and meaningful professional and personal growth I’ve had in my adult life.

By the end of it, it really does feel like a family and a powerful network of support from not only your classmates, but all those outside of class that have also been “Meisner’d”. I love it and my mentality about and approach to living and expressing my art will never be the same. Onward and Upward! “

Ariya Ghomashtchi

1st Year Graduate

1st Year Graduate

“The Meisner Technique taught me to believe everything I imagine. It’s real.”

Click for Student Testimonials

Shalonda Shaw
"...I know what I'm capable of as an actor, and that is a wonderful feeling."
Matthan Harris
"This is without a doubt the best acting class I’ve ever taken."
Clayton Bury
"I learned to quiet my overactive mind, and to simplify my process by following my heart."
Tanya Bettencourt
"I used to think showing vulnerability was a weakness. Not anymore."
Amir Hasan
"It did not take long for me to realize that my brain was the biggest obstacle holding me back..."
Torrey Drake
"...my ability to utterly connect and live in the moment is second nature to me."
Stacey Danger
"The amount of growth I’ve had in nine months far surpasses that of all other studios I’ve trained at combined."
Jacob Dimenstein
"...my advice to you would be to be open to the possibilities."
Nina Umpierrez
"Completing this program has left me feeling ready and excited to go out and get what I need!"
Heidi Shon
"The Meisner Center gave me a process to work with that I was desperately seeking."
Johannes Aspegren
"The Meisner technique allowed me to really see my progress."
Michael Campion
"...other acting classes don’t teach the right skills in the right order, nor do they have the patience to train them fully."
Menen Basha
"I’m not quite sure where to begin because so much of this experience is too big to summarize..."
Brandon Quinn
"I have worked so much more since studying at the Meisner Center..."
Michael Roshangah
"I found that I am stronger than I gave myself credit for."
Sierra Smith
"..I learned that ACTING IS NOT ABOUT ACTING."
Alexandra Dunmore
"I am astounded that I thought I knew how to act before this class."
Jule Johnson
"I walk away proud, thankful, and immensely confident with the person I’ve become"
Zachary Gordon
"...it has been an emotionally exhausting journey, but beyond rewarding."
Juliene Winborne
" I had taken numerous acting classes, but none of them fully embodied what I was looking for."
Jada Merritt
"...know what it is that you need and fucking go get it!!!
Albert Emery
"I am a better communicator as a result of speaking from my heart."
Vanessa Parker
Vanessa Parker
"...this class shows you that you can go straight to the heart and the emotion"
Jonathan Freudman
"This is not a Mickey Mouse class, this is serious acting, this is MEISNER.”
Star Don
"Look another person dead in the eye and just FEEL. It’s the simplest yet hardest thing to do."
DeRon Horton
..."the emotional capacity of which i am able to reach now I cannot see myself gaining somewhere else"
Damith Warnasuriya
"...this is not a class that you sign up for but more like a life course that challenges you..."
Mikhail Suvorov
"The Meisner technique, unlike anything I've done before, is something you can't pull through just sliding on the surface."
DeShaude Barner
"The 2 years spent learning from Martin and Ranjiv are something I will never forget... "
Christina Ramirez
"...there is nothing like seeing yourself grow into the person you always were meant to be..."
KoJo Asiedu Head Shot
Yisreal Dubov
"...not only did I walk away with an incredible training in acting; I walked away with a family, and memories that will last a lifetime"
Nicole J Butler
Alessandro Marino
"This class cuts the bull*** and tells you the truth..."
Alex Montalban
Alex Montalban
"However seemingly simplistic Sandy's method may appear, this school is not for the faint of heart..."
Tanner Risner
"You have no idea what this class can do for you."
Bryan Shilowich
"You learn to stop “trying” to “act” and instead learn how to feel your deepest emotions..."
Cameren Foley
"This class is definitely not the easy route..."
Channing McKindra
"This is the work that I imagined doing when I first decided to become an actor years ago..."
Danielle Vega
"I felt I needed a class of Meisner caliber to have in my repertoire to take me to the next level of my career."
Andrew Carter
"It was by far the most challenging educational and artistic experience of my life."
Nerlyn Jean
"A true challenge and commitment, it was the best decision I made for my career thus far."