Watch the Master himself…

Watch the Master himself...


Back in 1980, concerned that there would be no record of his work, Sydney Pollack, along with Mark Rydell and a number of Meisner Alumni gathered together to record Sanford Meisner teaching the technique. They filmed some 70 hours of video.

It wasn’t until 2006 that the Sanford Meisner Estate released over 7 hours of footage from this session on a 2 DVD set. It was later released as a shorter version for online streaming.


Being the last teacher to work with Sanford Meisner, Martin Barter was tasked to record the commentary for this 2006 release. Interspersed throughout the archival footage, Martin provides additional background and deeper understanding of the work being shown. This DVD set is the most complete recording of Sandy’s teaching available.

Some of this footage was used in the Playhouse Repertory Company’s 1984 documentary titled “Sanford Meisner – The Theatres Best Kept Secret”. This documentary detailing Sandy’s life and history includes additional footage of him teaching at the Neighborhood Playhouse, mixed with interviews of well-known Meisner Alumni.

Click for Student Testimonials

Tanya Bettencourt
"I used to think showing vulnerability was a weakness. Not anymore."
Zachary Gordon
" has been an emotionally exhausting journey, but beyond rewarding."
Cameren Foley
"This class is definitely not the easy route..."
Andrew Carter
"It was by far the most challenging educational and artistic experience of my life."
Shalonda Shaw
"...I know what I'm capable of as an actor, and that is a wonderful feeling."
Nicole J Butler
Alessandro Marino
"This class cuts the bull*** and tells you the truth..."
Menen Basha
"I’m not quite sure where to begin because so much of this experience is too big to summarize..."
Tanner Risner
"You have no idea what this class can do for you."
DeShaude Barner
"The 2 years spent learning from Martin and Ranjiv are something I will never forget... "
Alex Montalban
Alex Montalban
"However seemingly simplistic Sandy's method may appear, this school is not for the faint of heart..."
Stacey Danger
"The amount of growth I’ve had in nine months far surpasses that of all other studios I’ve trained at combined."
Sierra Smith
"..I learned that ACTING IS NOT ABOUT ACTING."
Mikhail Suvorov
"The Meisner technique, unlike anything I've done before, is something you can't pull through just sliding on the surface."
DeRon Horton
..."the emotional capacity of which i am able to reach now I cannot see myself gaining somewhere else"
Brandon Quinn
"I have worked so much more since studying at the Meisner Center..."
Michael Campion
"...other acting classes don’t teach the right skills in the right order, nor do they have the patience to train them fully."
Jonathan Freudman
"This is not a Mickey Mouse class, this is serious acting, this is MEISNER.”
Juliene Winborne
" I had taken numerous acting classes, but none of them fully embodied what I was looking for."
Johannes Aspegren
"The Meisner technique allowed me to really see my progress."
Albert Emery
"I am a better communicator as a result of speaking from my heart."
Vanessa Parker
Vanessa Parker
"...this class shows you that you can go straight to the heart and the emotion"
Amir Hasan
"It did not take long for me to realize that my brain was the biggest obstacle holding me back..."
Bryan Shilowich
"You learn to stop “trying” to “act” and instead learn how to feel your deepest emotions..."
Alexandra Dunmore
"I am astounded that I thought I knew how to act before this class."
Jule Johnson
"I walk away proud, thankful, and immensely confident with the person I’ve become"
Nerlyn Jean
"A true challenge and commitment, it was the best decision I made for my career thus far."
Matthan Harris
"This is without a doubt the best acting class I’ve ever taken."
Damith Warnasuriya
"...this is not a class that you sign up for but more like a life course that challenges you..."
KoJo Asiedu Head Shot
Yisreal Dubov
"...not only did I walk away with an incredible training in acting; I walked away with a family, and memories that will last a lifetime"
Michael Roshangah
"I found that I am stronger than I gave myself credit for."
Clayton Bury
"I learned to quiet my overactive mind, and to simplify my process by following my heart."
Star Don
"Look another person dead in the eye and just FEEL. It’s the simplest yet hardest thing to do."
Heidi Shon
"The Meisner Center gave me a process to work with that I was desperately seeking."
Nina Umpierrez
"Completing this program has left me feeling ready and excited to go out and get what I need!"
Torrey Drake
" ability to utterly connect and live in the moment is second nature to me."
Jacob Dimenstein
" advice to you would be to be open to the possibilities."
Danielle Vega
"I felt I needed a class of Meisner caliber to have in my repertoire to take me to the next level of my career."
Christina Ramirez
"...there is nothing like seeing yourself grow into the person you always were meant to be..."
Channing McKindra
"This is the work that I imagined doing when I first decided to become an actor years ago..."
Jada Merritt
"...know what it is that you need and fucking go get it!!!